Kaksikielinen opetus

Bilingual education

Seinäjoki municipality offers a bilingual education pathway, which responds to the requirements of both Finnish and international pupils. Both English and Finnish are used as a language of instruction. This form of bilingual education consists of a complete school pathway from preschool through to the end of secondary education. This study opportunity exists for pupils interested in continuing their studies either in Finnish or in English.

Bilingual instruction is intended for pupils who are interested in studying different subjects in a language other than the primary language of the school. It is also intended for native English speakers and for those students who have studied through English and have relocated to Seinäjoki.

Bilingual instruction is intended for pupils who are interested in studying different subjects in a language other than the primary language of the school. It is also intended for native English speakers and for those students who have studied through English and have relocated to Seinäjoki.

The method used for bilingual instruction is CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). The distribution of lesson hours between Finnish and English instruction is decided based on the topic but the minimum amount of English instruction is 25%. The level of English increases gradually depending on the group. Reading and writing is taught in Finnish.

The students of bilingual instruction

  • Learn the content of the curriculum in Finnish and in English.
  • Learn about different cultures.
  • Learn communication skills in everyday situations in English.
  • Achieve a positive and open-minded attitude towards different languages and cultures.
  • Become international.
  • Achieve good competence for studying different subjects in English.

Student admission

It is possible to apply for the bilingual educational line (year 1) for every pre-schooler in Seinäjoki. There will be an aptitude test for the applicants. The possibility to apply for bilingual classes also exists for those students who move to Seinäjoki and whose native or teaching language is English. The level of their English is evaluated before admission. The parents and previous teachers will be asked to fill a form before the admission. Instruction in Finnish as a second language offers support for English speaking students.

The curriculum

The content and outcomes follow the core curriculum for basic education 2014. Language proficiency is evaluated using CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) There is more information about the bilingual instuction in the curriculum of Marttila, chapter 10. 

Bilingual instruction is based on the regional values in the curriculum

We learn – Lifelong learning of foreign languages
We feel – Interaction and appreciation for linguistic and cultural diversity
We act – Active and functional learning
We rejoice – A variety of methods and the joy of learning

Transversal competences in bilingual instruction

1. Thinking skills and learning to learn

The teaching of specific subject matters in two languages activates learning-to-learn skills. Pupils learn to combine things they have learnt and to understand how they depend on each other. The teacher helps pupils find new solutions and encourages them to cope with situations that evoke feelings of uncertainty. The importance of understanding concepts is highlighted in bilingual learning. The teacher provides the pupils with structures that improve their understanding of the subject matter and patterns that develop the pupils’ learning strategies. Communicative and functional methods are widely used and they deepen the pupils’ awareness of themselves as learners when learning in two different languages.

2. Cultural competence, interaction and self-expression

Bilingual instruction helps students move through language acquisition levels. It also helps engender an appreciation of different cultures. Cultural competence will be paid special attention to when planning bilingual instruction. Emphasis will be paid to collaborative learning; communication is part of learning in a foreign language. In bilingual instruction the pupil is helped to become a fully competent user of both the mother tongue and the target language. Various forms of expression, for example using drama in teaching, will help achieve this objective.

3. Taking care of oneself and managing daily life

When pupils study subject matters in two different languages within the hours allocated to these subjects in basic education, they are required to take more responsibility for their learning and understanding of the subjects. Coping skills will become more important and everyone’s actions will affect their own and others’ wellbeing.

4. Multiliteracy

Internet sources and media which are authentic to both the language and the subject are widely used in bilingual instruction. Pupils are encouraged to develop critical thinking skills and adopt many different ways of creating and interpreting texts. Making use of versatile texts emphasizes the understanding of cultural connections. Pupils learn communication and interpretation skills in different languages.

5. ICT competence

Information technology skills develop when foreign learning games and internet sources are used as teaching methods. The use of digital materials has special emphasis paid to it as part of bilingual instruction. Pupils learn to use information technology also in international communication and understand its global possibilities and risks.

6. Working life competence and entrepreneurship

Working on different projects and group activities helps pupils take responsibility for issues that concern everyone. This entrepreneurial approach to work adds to the development of work skills. Pupils are encouraged and taught to keep up an entrepreneurial approach to school work, which is essential when studying in a bilingual class. Pupils are encouraged to face change and new situations with an open mind and without anxiety. In this way pupils can develop their potential and gain an excellent command of a foreign language, which will help them further their education or join the workforce.

7. Participation, involvement and building a sustainable future

Studying in a bilingual class emphasizes the importance of expression and interaction, thus developing the pupils’ abilities to express their opinions constructively. The pupils learn to take part in planning their studies and become members of the school community. Cultural aspects and the objectives of global education will be highlighted, thus contributing to laying the foundation to build a sustainable future on.

Kaksikielinen opetus

Kaksikielisessä opetuksessa opiskellaan eri oppiaineita englanniksi ja suomeksi. Kaksikielinen opetus järjestetään Seinäjoella Marttilan koulussa vuosiluokilla 1-6 ja Seinäjoen lyseossa vuosiluolilla 7-9. Seinäjoella kaksikielinen opetus on osa kielitietoisen koulun toimintaa. Kaksikielisessä opetuksessa käytetään CLIL-menetelmää (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

Marttilan koulussa kaksikielinen opetus järjestetään CLIL-opetuksena, jossa kohdekielenä on englanti. Englannin ja koulun opetuskielen välinen tuntijako määräytyy opetettavan sisällön perusteella kuitenkin niin, että englanninkielisen opetuksen määrä on vähintään 25%. Englannin kielen osuus lisääntyy asteittain oppilasryhmän taitotason huomioon ottaen.

Oppilaaksi oton periaatteet kaksikieliseen opetukseen

Kaikilla Seinäjoen kaupungin peruskoulunsa aloittavilla oppilailla on mahdollisuus hakeutua Marttilan koulun kaksikieliseen opetukseen. Myöhemmin opiskelupaikka voidaan myöntää tapauskohtaisesti myös palaavalle, tai ulkomailta siirtyvälle oppilaalle, jonka päiväkoti-, koulu-, tai kotikieli on ollut englanti. Tällöin huomioidaan valmistavan opetuksen kotipesäopetuksen tuki suomen kielen oppimiseen. Marttilan koulussa kaksikielistä opetusta järjestetään vuosiluokilla 1-6.

Ensimmäiselle luokalle osittain englanninkieliseen opetukseen ilmoittautuville oppilaille järjestetään valintakoe. Valintakokeen avulla pyritään kartoittamaan, ettei oppilas joudu liian suurten haasteiden eteen heti koulunkäyntinsä alkaessa. Valintakoe toimii myös apuna oppilasvalinnassa silloin kun hakijoita on enemmän kuin oppilaspaikkoja. Valintakokeen lisäksi kartoitetaan kyselylomakkeiden avulla oppilaan ja hänen perheensä motivaatiota sekä hyödynnetään esikouluopettajien oppilaantuntemusta. 

Pedagogisista tai oppilashuollollisista syistä oppilas voi siirtyä tai hänet voidaan siirtää muuhun opetusryhmään opintojen edetessä. Tämä tapahtuu koulun päätöksellä huoltajien kuulemisen jälkeen. Päätöksessä hyödynnetään eri oppiaineiden arviointia ja kielen taitotasoja (CEFR). Suositeltavinta tämä on ala- ja yläkoulun nivelvaiheessa, mutta on mahdollista missä tahansa vaiheessa perusopetuksen aikana.

Vuosiluokkien 7-9 kaksikielinen opetus järjestetään Seinäjoen lyseossa. Lähtökohtaisesti oppilaat siirtyvät lyseoon Marttilan koulun 6. luokalta. Ryhmäkoon salliessa lyseon kaksikieliselle luokalle voidaan ottaa lisää oppilaita hakemusten ja haastattelujen perusteella. Oppilaan siirtymistä kaksikielisen opetukseen tarkastellaan aina tapauskohtaisesti.

Opetuksen tavoitteista, sisällöistä ja arvioinnista

Opetuksen tavoitteet ja sisällöt noudattavat perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmaa. Lisäksi kaksikielisessä opetuksessa oppilas

  • oppii opetussuunnitelman sisältöjä sekä suomen että englannin kielellä
  • tutustuu englantia puhuvien maiden kulttuureihin
  • oppii kommunikoimaan niin, että omaa valmiudet selviytyä luontevasti arkipäivän tilanteista englannin kielellä
  • suhtautuu myönteisesti ja ennakkoluulottomasti vieraisiin kieliin ja kulttuureihin
  • kasvaa kansainvälisyyteen
  • saavuttaa hyvät valmiudet eri oppiaineiden opiskeluun englannin kielellä

Oppiaineiden arvioinnissa ja sisällöissä noudatetaan perusopetuksen yleistä opetussuunnitelmaa. Kielellisiä tavoitteita arvioidaan yleiseurooppalaisten taitotasojen mukaan joiden tukena on mahdollista käyttää esim. Opetushallituksen Eurooppalaisen kielisalkun itsearviointimateriaaleja.

Kaksikielisestä opetuksesta voit lukea enemmän Marttilan koulun opetussuunnitelmasta