Jouppi School is a primary school in the City of Seinäjoki, located near a large commercial area and Ideapark in the district of Jouppi. Our school consists of 1st-6th grades. There are about 150 pupils, and the number of pupils is continuing to grow. Our school is quickly becoming international.

Eight class teachers work at our school. In addition, pupils’ learning is supported and assisted by a multidisciplinary special education teacher and three school attendance counsellors. The suitable size of our school enables good knowledge of the pupils and support for each child since all the adults working at the school get to know all the pupils by name during their primary school years. This also allows our school community to have a good and close-knit team spirit and warm encounters, which in turn increases safety in our everyday school life. Our school is like a village school in the middle of the city. All of the staff at Jouppi School are one!

Jouppi School was established in 1920 near the current school building. It was our school’s 100th anniversary in the autumn of 2020. In addition to playground frames, the large yard of the modern school building, which was renovated in 2011-2012, there is a game arena, a lawn area and a large artificial grass field, which provide a great setting for pupils’ versatile recess activities and exercise throughout the year.

The operating principle of our school is: Today, we work for tomorrow together in an environmentally friendly manner.