Lintuviita School is part of the Kasperi assisted living facility, which includes the Linnunrata daycare centre and hobby facilities for sports and youth services and the community college. Curator and public health nurse services remain at Kasperi’s assisted living facility.

Our school is diverse and international, and many nationalities and languages enrich its operating culture. Lintuviita School currently has eight basic education classes (1st–6th grade) and three small classes (1st-2nd grade, 3rd-4th grade and 5th-6th grade). Our school also offers preparatory education (valo) and Finnish as a second language (S2). Afternoon activities for 1st-2nd graders are organised in the club facilities on the Lintuviita side.

At Lintuviida School, the areas of multidisciplinary competence are a natural part of learning. The focus area of our school’s wide-ranging competence is Self-care and everyday skills (L3). The school guides its pupils to understand that everyone has an impact on their own well-being, health and safety as well as that of others. Pupils are encouraged to take care of themselves and others, practice skills that are important for their own lives and everyday life, and increase the well-being of their environment. Teaching supports the pupils in having a confident attitude towards the future.

We aim to provide good basic knowledge and skills. Guide pupils towards good habits. Encourage positivity and consideration of the strengths of others, as well as respectful behaviour towards everyone. We strengthen interaction skills and intervene in all forms of bullying. With their own responsible behaviour, everyone can create a “we” spirit at Lintuviita School.

In the recess area, we have a yard game arena, basketball stands, Ketturämäkkö lawn field, playground frames and the school’s courtyard. We inform about current issues and events through Wilma.