Marttila School
Marttila School is a primary school with almost 400 pupils located in the centre of Seinäjoki. The school building is large and complex, which was built in 1930 and renovated in 1996-1998. Following the reform in 2019, the schoolyard has become a versatile neighbourhood sports area.
The teaching offered at Marttila School includes both basic and special education. In addition, the school has bilingual classes (CLIL teaching in English) and home tutoring for immigrants.
Marttila is a multinational school to which not only pupils and staff but also numerous international projects and visitors bring cultural diversity. In recent years, the school’s operating culture also reflects the increased focus on sustainable development and sports-focused school days. The location next to the Aalto Centre has also given Marttila the opportunity to profile itself as the Alvar Aalto School.