Tanelinranta School
Tanelinranta school is a primary school with approximately 420 students in Seinäjoki. We teach grades 1-6 and have 19 classes in total.
The school has been expanded twice, the latest part of the expansion was completed in autumn 2015.
The school’s student furniture is ergonomic and the teaching tools and equipment are modern.
The school’s local sports venues and terrains provide great opportunities for versatile school sports.
The school has a wonderful student library, where are something to read for every taste. Students can visit the library weekly. In this way, we maintain and promote students’ good reading skills and enthusiasm for reading.
At the school, we emphasize good cooperation among everyone, respect and consideration of others.
In our school, it is safe to learn and grow confidently towards the future.
Our school has just (2022) been accredited to Erasmus+ Programme.
Contact information:
Tanelinranta School, Lehmustie 4, 60510 Hyllykallio, Finland
Principal: Lasse Niemi +358 40 148 1162
School Secretary Milla Keto-Aro +358 50 378 7832
Teacher’s room +358 50 377 4158, +358 50 378 2195
Email-adresses are of the form: firstname.lastname@seinajoki.fi