Valkivuori School is a primary school in the Nurmo School Centre. Some of the classes are located in the Nurmo building, situated in the same yard area. The school has about 380 pupils. In addition to basic education, the school also offers small-group teaching in special education as well as instruction preparing for basic education and S2 (Finnish as a second language). The teaching staff consists of about 30 people.

Valkivuori School aims to provide every pupil with the basic knowledge, skills and capabilities on which they can build their future. Pupils are provided a good starting point for lifelong and individual learning. Learning and growth are supported in multiprofessional cooperation with homes. Learning is an active and social activity of the pupils, with the help of which the pupils constantly build an image of themselves and the world around them. The starting point for learning includes the pupils’ previous knowledge, skills, experiences and way of perceiving the world. Teachers help and guide the pupils towards internal entrepreneurship and managing and structuring entities.