Our address is Tanelinrannan päiväkoti, Lehmustie 2, 60510 Hyllykallio
Tanelinranta day care centre is located in the middle of the Tanelinranta, near the Karhuvuori neighborhood. There is also Tanelinranta primary school in the same building. Within walking distance are Tanelinlampi, playgrounds, nature and various sports opportunities. This is what we want to use in the operation of our day care centre.
Our day care centre is open on weekdays from 6.30 am to 4.30 pm, if your child needs care between 6.00 am and 5.00 pm, please contact the day care centre manager. If your child needs care before 6.00 am or after 5.00 pm contact the service counselling.
The preschool time is from 8 am to 12 am.
We have nine groups:
Ruusulaakso (1-3 years old) 044 550 2322
Omenakumpu (1-3 years old) 044 418 1311
Melukylä (3-4 years old) 044 550 2324
Kissankulma (3-4 years old) 044 418 1916
Kirsikkalaakso (4-5 years old) 044 418 1940
Karhuluola (5 years old and preschool) 044 418 1099
Huvikumpu (preschool) 044 418 1791
Kesäkumpu (preschool) 044 418 1692
Vaahteramäki (preschool with a fire hut in the forest) 050 535 4707
Manager of the day care centre Tanelinranta: Päivi Peltola 044 425 5395, paivi.h.peltola@seinajoki.fi