Simunan päiväkoti, Simunantie 10, 60200 Seinäjoki

The Kindergarten of Simuna is located in forested terrain and includes three storey. For outdoor activities we have two play yards, one in the back and one in front of the kindergarten. The child’s genuine encounter and presence are important values for us.

Childrens groups are divided into three floors whichs contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.

A-siipi, 1. kerros

Hiirenkorvat 044 7541757

Oravanmarjat 044 7541829 perhepäivähoidon vararyhmä

A-siipi, 2. kerros

Kissankäpälät 044 4255329

Karhunvatukat 044 7541887

C-siipi, 2. kerros

Tikankontit 044 7541847

Ketunleivät 044 7541838

C-siipi, 3. kerros

Kotkansiivet 044 425 5429