Childcare and education
Apply for early childhood education and pre-school ( authentication, in finnish) – Application info and other applications
Vekaranetti – public particip for childcare ( authentication, in finnish)
Care period reservations, contact between day care and parents, electronic tool for workers
Do you need support in using the system
Income declaration for childcare ( authentication, in finnish)
You can declare your income in order to determine the early childhood education fee.
Pre-school transport application
Pre-school transport application is submitted using a paper form, print out the form, fill it in and send it by post to: Seinäjoen kaupunki/Varhaiskasvatus, Tarja Siik, Kirkkokatu 6, 60100 Seinäjoki
Pre-school transport application
Helmi (authentication using your own username)
A tool for the needs of everyday basic education, a service designed to assist in the communication between home and school
Support for using Helmi
Wilma (authentication using your own username or guardian’s credentials) Taking care of matters related to studies and communication at upper secondary schools in Seinäjoki.
Boksi (authentication using your own username)
Office365-service for schoolteaching
Support for using Boksi
Enrolment for school
Enrolment for the school year 2020-2021 has ended and the electronic enrolment form has closed. You can find more information on the school enrolment page.
Applying for school afternoon activities
Applications received after the application period will be taken into account if there is room in the group. In other words, you can apply for the afternoon activities in the secondary application round.
Apply for school transport
New first-graders (autumn 2020) will apply for school transport electronically.
1st to 9th-graders: in case you are applying for school transport for the spring term, contact